Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The rest of the story..

I've been asked about the "Spin Cycle" quilt and how it is constructed. I used one fabric for all the kaleidoscope blocks, another fabric for the cornerstones and another for the sashings. The border is a whole 'nother fabric but I couldn't believe how well the colors complimented each other. I did not use the quilt-as-you-go technique, but rather, quilted in 3 sections then sewed them together on the front and handstitched the back seams. Thanks to all who have looked and commented!

Our trip to Lubbock went well. They got the venous closures done on both of Dad's legs. He did well, but boy, was he tired when we got home! I pray these procedures help him with all his leg problems.

Early day today so I'd better get ready.

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