I have had so much fun making these bed pockets and, as I found out when photographing this one, you could use it under your sewing machine! I think it might have many useful adaptations.
Remember a few posts back I hinted that I might be having a drawing of some sort? How many of you (show of hands, please :-) would like to have a bed pocket made by me? The one pictured here is not the one I'll be drawing for. It'll be a surprise. Leave me a comment here on the blog or, if you have trouble doing that, send me an email letting me know you want your name added to the drawing. I will take comments until Sunday, November 8, at which time I will draw the name of the winner. Even if you don't want or need one, it might just be a perfect Christmas gift.
Thanks to Cori at Chitter Chatter Designs for sharing this pattern with us. She is one of the Stitcher's Angel project designers.