Sunday, May 31, 2009

Been a bit under the weather

To all of you that remembered me in your prayers the last few days, "THANK YOU!"

So, here's what happened...I worked all day Friday knowing I would run to the after-hours clinic to see if they could give me something (again) for this sinus thing I've had going on for a few weeks now. When I got into the inner office, the PA asks, "What brings you here?" I tell her about my sinus problem and she says, "That is the least of my worries right now. I am worried about your elevated (135) heart rate and blood pressure. I want you to go to the Emergency Room, RIGHT NOW!"

Well, being the obedient and about-to-freak patient that I was at the time, I rushed on over to the ER. I called Jim on my way and he met me there. Judy was watching Kerrington and Dad at the time so she couldn't be there, but Robert came on over. April was off work and at her grandfather's since her step-grandmother had passed away that very morning. Joe was working and couldn't come right away. Needless to say, I wanted ALL my family around me at that time! LOL And, they put me in the ER room where Dad nearly died! I told the nurse I didn't like that room and she said "there are no other rooms available". Ok, fine. I'll deal.

There I am, tethered to heart monitors and O2 machines and doctors and nurses coming in to do their thing. When my heart rate reached 150 (I had just had a coughing fit and was extremely frightened) the doctor suggested that he could give me a shot of a medicine that would shock my heart back into rhythm. Get this..the shot stops your heart for an instant. He actually said, "You'll die for a second." Can you believe it?? Um, I said, "I don't think so! At least not until Dad's cardiologist has a chance to see me first!" Instead, they tried several different high blood pressure meds injected into my IV and one of them brought it down sufficiently. Whew!

They admitted me for observation for the rest of the night and things settled down, thank God. Ultimately, it seems that all the meds I'd been using to try to get my sinus problem under control finally took their toll on my heart. I'm not supposed to use Sudafed anymore and no more caffeine. After taking the 'scripts Dr. Hassan prescribed, everything looks a lot better.

I can't wait to get back to normal tomorrow and see my sweet baby K-akes. I'm in Kerrington withdrawal! Speaking of Kerrington, here's a blanket I fixed for her. I just added the satin binding.

A final note...If you're needing any Scentsy, please get in touch with me this evening. I'm placing one more order before midnight tonight. Thanks!


Zlaty said...

Hi Veronica,

OH Boy, I am glad the medicines worked! Good that you went to get checked!

I hope you will be back to normal soon!



ann said...

hey veronica,
glad you are comes the hard part...following the Dr's


~JoAnn~ said...

Veronica~ You are and have been in my prayers since I met you...Glad to hear everything worked out okay. Please take care of yourself, and get over there and get a hug from Kerrington it will probably help!!