Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Three fourths of the way done

I was hoping to show you a finished picture of this quilt by now. But, I've put it off since I've not been feeling well. Tonight, I finally connected the first eight rows together. Can you imagine how heavy it is? I knew it would be, but I was actually a little surprised at how much it already weighs and I still need four more rows! Yikes. Jim had to help hold it as it was coming off the sewing machine and that made it easier. I will connect that last four rows and then put them on as one piece onto the rest of the quilt. I will be so glad to bind this thing!


Zlaty said...

That is the way to go Veronica, sew the last 4 rows together and then to the 3/4 of the quilt!

Glad you are better!


Amy said...

looks nice, I am sure it will keep someone very warm.