Sunday, January 21, 2007

A quilting day

The front of this quilt is the side with the stars. The stripes and squares are on the back. This comfort quilt will go to a little girl connected to someone on QOR. I'll relate the entire story once the quilt is sent off. Don't want to spoil the surprise! I usually like to work on a quilt this size over a period of at least two days. But, since I couldn't really go anywhere because of the snow, I thought I'd just get it done. Now I can start on the Cow-oh-boy quilt.
I tried to go to work today. I told one of my customers that I'd see her today since we couldn't get to the shop yesterday. I was able to get out of our driveway (Jim worked hard to shovel all that snow) and slipped my way to the shop. Unfortunately, I drove right on by because the parking lot was still 12" deep in snow. There was no way my dad's little car would've made it in and out of there. So, we decided to go in early in the morning. I don't work on Mondays, but there are exceptions.
I talked to Leota last night and she sounded well. She'd had some bleeding, but got it taken care of. They were back at the hotel and weren't sure when they would head home.
Working with this quilt really wore me out today. But, I enjoyed it. I'm going to go cut up an apple and head to bed.


Susan said...

Veronica! Welcome to the StashQuilts webring! It's so good to see you here. And your wonderful quilts!

Laurie Ann said...

Welcome to the ring! I look foward to reading your postings and seeing your work.

Susan said...

I gave you the link to my actual blog, since I left blogspot, but if you click on my name in the comment, it takes you to the old blogspot and the e-mail is there. =) And QOR!